What is Preliminary Estimate

What is Preliminary Estimate

March 13, 2023
Quantity Surveying
What is Preliminary Estimate


Explanation of what a preliminary estimate is

A preliminary estimate is an initial approximation of a particular value, quantity, or measurement that is based on incomplete or limited data. It is a rough calculation or estimation made early in the planning or design process, before more detailed information becomes available. Preliminary estimates are used to provide a broad understanding of the cost, time, or resources required for a project or task, and they help to guide early decision-making. They are typically refined and updated as more information becomes available.

Preliminary estimates can be used in a variety of contexts, such as construction projects, product development, event planning, and financial forecasting. They can help to establish a baseline for a project's scope, budget, and timeline, and they can also inform feasibility studies and risk assessments.

It is important to note that preliminary estimates are not final or definitive, and they may be subject to significant revision as more information becomes available. Nevertheless, they are a critical tool for project managers and decision-makers, providing a starting point for planning and ensuring that projects are aligned with overall goals and objectives.

Importance of preliminary estimates in planning and decision-making

Preliminary estimates play a crucial role in planning and decision-making. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. Establishing a baseline: Preliminary estimates provide a baseline for project scope, budget, and timeline. They help stakeholders to understand what is feasible and what the project will entail.
  2. Identifying potential issues: By creating a preliminary estimate, stakeholders can identify potential issues early on in the project. This can help them to develop strategies to mitigate risks and ensure the project's success.
  3. Guiding early decision-making: Preliminary estimates help stakeholders to make informed decisions early on in the project. This can save time and money later on in the project by avoiding costly mistakes.
  4. Informing feasibility studies: Preliminary estimates are often used in feasibility studies to determine if a project is viable. This can help stakeholders to decide if they want to proceed with the project or if they need to reevaluate their plans.
  5. Aligning with goals and objectives: Preliminary estimates ensure that projects are aligned with overall goals and objectives. They help to ensure that the project will meet stakeholder expectations and provide the desired outcomes.

Overall, preliminary estimates are critical for effective planning and decision-making. They provide a starting point for project managers and stakeholders to develop strategies, mitigate risks, and ensure the project's success.

Thesis statement outlining the purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of what preliminary estimates are, explain their importance in planning and decision-making, and offer guidance on how to create and use them effectively. By understanding the role of preliminary estimates and the factors that go into creating them, project managers and decision-makers can make more informed decisions and increase the likelihood of project success.

The role of preliminary estimates

Why preliminary estimates are necessary in project planning

Preliminary estimates are necessary in project planning for several reasons. Here are some of the key reasons:

  1. Provides a baseline: Preliminary estimates provide a baseline for project scope, budget, and timeline. They help stakeholders to understand what is feasible and what the project will entail.
  2. Helps identify potential issues: By creating a preliminary estimate, stakeholders can identify potential issues early on in the project. This can help them to develop strategies to mitigate risks and ensure the project's success.
  3. Guides early decision-making: Preliminary estimates help stakeholders to make informed decisions early on in the project. This can save time and money later on in the project by avoiding costly mistakes.
  4. Assists with resource allocation: Preliminary estimates can help stakeholders to allocate resources effectively. This includes determining what staff, equipment, and materials will be required for the project.
  5. Facilitates communication: Preliminary estimates provide a common understanding among stakeholders of the project's requirements and scope. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goals.

Overall, preliminary estimates are necessary in project planning because they provide critical information that informs decisions, reduces risks, and helps ensure project success. Without them, stakeholders would be working in the dark, making decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information.

Examples of projects that require preliminary estimates

Construction projects are one of the primary industries that rely heavily on preliminary estimates. Here are some examples of construction projects that require preliminary estimates:

  1. Building construction: Preliminary estimatesare required for building construction projects to determine the cost of materials, labor, and equipment required to build the structure. This includes estimating costs for the foundation, framing, electrical and plumbing systems, and finishing materials such as flooring, fixtures, and paint.
  2. Renovations and remodeling: Preliminary estimates are necessary for renovation and remodeling projects to determine the cost of materials, labor, and equipment required to renovate or remodel an existing structure. This includes estimating costs for demolition, structural changes, electrical and plumbing systems upgrades, and finishing materials such as flooring, fixtures, and paint.
  3. Road construction: Preliminary estimates are necessary for road construction projects to determine the cost of materials, labor, and equipment required to build the road. This includes estimating costs for grading, paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and drainage systems.
  4. Bridge construction: Preliminary estimates are necessary for bridge construction projects to determine the cost of materials, labor, and equipment required to build the bridge. This includes estimating costs for the foundation, superstructure, substructure, and roadway approach.
  5. Landscaping and site development: Preliminary estimates are necessary for landscaping and site development projects to determine the cost of materials, labor, and equipment required to develop the site. This includes estimating costs for grading, soil stabilization, planting, irrigation, and hardscape features such as retaining walls and pathways.

Overall, preliminary estimates are essential for construction projects of all types and sizes. They help to ensure that the project is feasible, realistic, and aligned with stakeholder expectations.

The benefits of using preliminary estimates

There are several benefits to using preliminary estimates in project planning and decision-making. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Improved accuracy: By creating a preliminary estimate, stakeholders can gain a better understanding of the scope and requirements of the project. This can lead to more accurate cost and resource estimates, reducing the risk of cost overruns and delays.
  2. Better decision-making: Preliminary estimates provide stakeholders with the information they need to make informed decisions early on in the project. This can help to avoid costly mistakes and ensure that the project stays on track.
  3. Improved communication: Preliminary estimates help to establish a common understanding among stakeholders of the project's requirements and scope. This can facilitate communication and collaboration throughout the project, improving the chances of success.
  4. Increased efficiency: By identifying potential issues early on in the project, stakeholders can develop strategies to mitigate risks and reduce delays. This can increase the efficiency of the project and help to ensure that it is completed on time and within budget.
  5. Better resource allocation: Preliminary estimates can help stakeholders to allocate resources effectively. This includes determining what staff, equipment, and materials will be required for the project, and identifying any potential shortages or issues that need to be addressed.

Using preliminary estimates can help to ensure the success of a project by providing stakeholders with the information they need to make informed decisions, communicate effectively, allocate resources efficiently, and avoid costly mistakes. By taking the time to create a preliminary estimate, stakeholders can increase the chances of project success and reduce the risk of failure.

How to create a preliminary estimate

Factors to consider when creating a preliminary estimate

When creating a preliminary estimate, there are several factors that need to be considered to ensure accuracy and reliability. Here are some of the factors that should be taken into account:

  1. Scope of the project: The scope of the project, including the objectives, deliverables, and timeline, is a crucial factor in creating a preliminary estimate. It is important to have a clear understanding of the project scope before estimating the resources and costs needed to complete it.
  2. Historical data: Historical data from similar projects can provide useful insights into the resources and costs needed for the project. This data can be used to estimate the quantity and cost of resources needed for each task.
  3. Industry standards: Industry standards and best practices can provide guidance on the resources and costs needed for the project. It is important to research and understand industry standards and best practices in order to create an accurate preliminary estimate.
  4. Market conditions: Current market conditions, such as the availability and cost of materials, labor, and equipment, can impact the accuracy of the preliminary estimate. It is important to take these market conditions into account when estimating the cost of resources.
  5. Project constraints: Any constraints that may impact the project, such as time constraints, budget constraints, or regulatory requirements, must be taken into account when creating a preliminary estimate.
  6. Contingency: A contingency factor should be included in the preliminary estimate to account for unforeseen risks and changes in scope. The contingency can be a percentage of the total cost or a fixed amount.

By taking these factors into account, stakeholders can create a more accurate and reliable preliminary estimate, which will help to guide project planning and decision-making.

Methods for creating a preliminary estimate

There are several methods that can be used to create a preliminary estimate, depending on the type and complexity of the project. Here are some of the most common methods:

  1. Analogous estimating: Analogous estimating involves using historical data from similar projects to estimate the resources and costs needed for the project. This method is based on the assumption that similar projects will require similar resources and costs.
  2. Bottom-up estimating: Bottom-up estimating involves breaking down the project into smaller tasks and estimating the resources and costs needed for each task. This method is more detailed and accurate than analogous estimating, but it can be time-consuming.
  3. Three-point estimating: Three-point estimating involves estimating the best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios for each task, and using these estimates to calculate a range of possible costs. This method takes into account the uncertainty and risk associated with each task.
  4. Parametric estimating: Parametric estimating involves using statistical data and mathematical models to estimate the resources and costs needed for the project. This method is based on the assumption that there is a mathematical relationship between the project variables and the resources and costs needed.
  5. Expert judgment: Expert judgment involves consulting with experts in the relevant fields to estimate the resources and costs needed for the project. This method can be useful when there is limited historical data or when the project is complex or unique.

The method used to create a preliminary estimate will depend on the project and the available data and resources. In some cases, a combination of methods may be used to create a more accurate and reliable estimate.

How to refine and update a preliminary estimate as more information becomes available

As a project progresses and more information becomes available, it is important to refine and update the preliminary estimate to ensure its accuracy and reliability. Here are some steps that can be taken to refine and update a preliminary estimate:

  1. Review the initial estimate: Before updating the preliminary estimate, it is important to review the initial estimate to understand the assumptions and methodologies used in creating it. This will help to identify any areas that need to be updated or revised.
  2. Identify changes in scope: Any changes in the project scope, such as new deliverables or changes to existing deliverables, should be identified and taken into account when updating the preliminary estimate. This will help to ensure that the estimate remains accurate and reflects the current project scope.
  3. Review actual costs: Reviewing actual costs from completed tasks can provide insights into the accuracy of the preliminary estimate. This information can be used to refine the estimate for remaining tasks.
  4. Update resource requirements: As more information becomes available, resource requirements may need to be updated. For example, if the availability or cost of certain resources has changed, the estimate will need to be updated accordingly.
  5. Incorporate risk management: As the project progresses, new risks may arise that were not identified in the preliminary estimate. These risks should be identified and incorporated into the estimate as part of the risk management plan.
  6. Refine cost estimates: As more information becomes available, the cost estimates for each task should be refined and updated to reflect any changes in scope or resource requirements.
  7. Update the contingency factor: The contingency factor in the preliminary estimate should be updated to reflect any changes in project risks or uncertainties.

By following these steps, stakeholders can ensure that the preliminary estimate remains accurate and reliable throughout the project life-cycle.

Limitations of preliminary estimates

The potential for preliminary estimates to be inaccurate

While preliminary estimates are an essential part of project planning, there is always the potential for them to be inaccurate. Here are some factors that can contribute to the inaccuracy of preliminary estimates:

  1. Incomplete information: Preliminary estimates are based on the information that is available at the time of estimation. If some information is missing or incomplete, the estimate may not be accurate.
  2. Assumptions: Preliminary estimates are based on assumptions about the project, such as the scope, resource requirements, and timelines. If these assumptions turn out to be incorrect, the estimate may be inaccurate.
  3. Changes in project scope: If the project scope changes significantly after the preliminary estimate is created, the estimate may no longer be accurate.
  4. Changes in resource availability: If the availability or cost of resources changes after the preliminary estimate is created, the estimate may no longer be accurate.
  5. Unforeseen risks: Unforeseen risks or challenges that were not identified during the preliminary estimate can impact the accuracy of the estimate.
  6. Human error: Mistakes in calculation or judgment can also contribute to inaccurate preliminary estimates.

To mitigate the risk of inaccurate preliminary estimates, it is important to gather as much information as possible and to involve stakeholders in the estimation process. Additionally, regular updates and revisions to the estimate can help to ensure its accuracy throughout the project lifecycle. Finally, it is important to maintain open communication and transparency with stakeholders about the accuracy and reliability of the preliminary estimate.

How to mitigate the risks associated with preliminary estimates

There are several strategies that can be used to mitigate the risks associated with preliminary estimates. Here are some approaches that can be taken:

  1. Gather complete and accurate information: The accuracy of preliminary estimates depends on the quality and completeness of the information available. It is important to gather as much information as possible about the project scope, resource requirements, timelines, and risks to ensure that the estimate is as accurate as possible.
  2. Involve stakeholders: Stakeholder involvement in the estimation process can help to ensure that all perspectives and expertise are considered. This can help to identify potential risks and challenges and to develop more accurate estimates.
  3. Use multiple estimation methods: Using multiple estimation methods, such as expert judgment and historical data analysis, can help to mitigate the risk of inaccurate estimates. This approach can help to identify discrepancies and to refine estimates based on different perspectives and data.
  4. Use appropriate contingency factors: Contingency factors, which are added to the estimate to account for unforeseen risks and uncertainties, should be carefully considered and based on historical data or expert judgment. Using appropriate contingency factors can help to mitigate the risk of cost overruns and project delays.
  5. Regularly review and update estimates: Preliminary estimates should be reviewed and updated regularly as new information becomes available. This can help to identify potential risks and to adjust the estimate based on changing circumstances.
  6. Monitor project progress: Regular monitoring of project progress can help to identify potential risks and to adjust the estimate accordingly. This can help to mitigate the risk of cost overruns and project delays.

By following these strategies, stakeholders can mitigate the risks associated with preliminary estimates and develop more accurate and reliable estimates that can support effective project planning and decision-making.

When to re-evaluate a preliminary estimate

A preliminary estimate should be re-evaluated when there are significant changes in the project scope, resource requirements, timelines, or risks. Here are some examples of when a re-evaluation may be necessary:

  1. Change in project scope: If the project scope changes significantly, a re-evaluation of the preliminary estimate may be necessary to account for the additional work required.
  2. Change in resource availability: If there are changes in the availability or cost of resources, such as labor, materials, or equipment, a re-evaluation of the preliminary estimate may be necessary to adjust for the impact on project costs.
  3. Change in project timelines: If the project timelines change, a re-evaluation of the preliminary estimate may be necessary to adjust for the impact on project costs and resource requirements.
  4. Identification of new risks: If new risks or challenges are identified during the project lifecycle, a re-evaluation of the preliminary estimate may be necessary to adjust for the impact on project costs and timelines.
  5. Inaccuracy of the initial estimate: If the preliminary estimate is found to be inaccurate, a re-evaluation may be necessary to develop a more accurate estimate.
  6. Milestone events: At key milestone events in the project lifecycle, such as the completion of the design phase or the start of construction, a re-evaluation of the preliminary estimate may be necessary to adjust for the impact of the milestone on the project.

By re-evaluating the preliminary estimate as necessary throughout the project lifecycle, stakeholders can ensure that the estimate remains accurate and reliable and can support effective project planning and decision-making.


Recap of the importance of preliminary estimates

In summary, preliminary estimates are a crucial component of project planning and decision-making. They provide stakeholders with an initial assessment of project costs, timelines, and resource requirements, allowing for informed decision-making during the planning phase. Some of the key benefits of using preliminary estimates include identifying potential project risks and challenges, providing a framework for budgeting and resource allocation, and facilitating stakeholder communication and collaboration. While preliminary estimates may not be perfect, they provide a valuable starting point for project planning and can be refined and updated as more information becomes available. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of preliminary estimates, stakeholders should gather complete and accurate information, involve stakeholders in the estimation process, use multiple estimation methods, use appropriate contingency factors, regularly review and update estimates, and monitor project progress. By following these strategies, stakeholders can mitigate the risks associated with preliminary estimates and develop more accurate and reliable estimates that can support effective project planning and decision-making.

Final thoughts on the role of preliminary estimates in project planning and decision-making

In conclusion, preliminary estimates are a critical tool for project planning and decision-making. They provide stakeholders with an initial assessment of project costs, timelines, and resource requirements, which is essential for effective project planning and budgeting. While preliminary estimates may not be perfect, they provide a valuable starting point for project planning and can be refined and updated as more information becomes available. It is important to note that preliminary estimates are only one component of effective project planning and decision-making, and they should be used in conjunction with other tools and techniques, such as risk management, stakeholder engagement, and project monitoring and control.

Suggestions for further reading or resources on preliminary estimates

Here are some additional resources and further reading on preliminary estimates:

  1. "Estimating Construction Costs," by Robert L. Peurifoy, Garold D. Oberlender, and Richard L. Knutson - This book provides a comprehensive overview of construction cost estimating, including preliminary estimates.
  2. "Project Estimating and Cost Management," by Parviz F. Rad and Ginger Levin - This book provides an in-depth discussion of project estimating and cost management, including techniques for developing preliminary estimates.
  3. "The Role of Preliminary Estimates in Project Management," by Elissa O'Brien - This article provides an overview of the importance of preliminary estimates in project management, including best practices for creating and using preliminary estimates.
  4. "Preliminary Cost Estimate vs. Definitive Cost Estimate," by - This article provides a comparison between preliminary and definitive cost estimates and discusses the differences between the two.
  5. "How to Develop a Preliminary Project Budget," by The Balance Small Business - This article provides a step-by-step guide to developing a preliminary project budget, including tips for creating accurate estimates.
  6. "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)," by Project Management Institute - This guide provides a comprehensive overview of project management, including a chapter on project cost management that covers preliminary estimates.

These resources provide a range of perspectives and practical tips for developing accurate and reliable preliminary estimates in the context of project planning and decision-making.

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