What is Construction Takeoff

What is Construction Takeoff

September 2, 2022
Quantity Surveying
What is Construction Takeoff

Construction takeoff is a crucial element in the process of cost estimation for any construction project. It's essential for a contractor to have accurate takeoff data for a project since it's used to generate estimates for various construction materials.
Nowadays many contractors are still used to creating quantity takeoffs manually with the help of printed floorplans, pencils and rulers, but a wide range of modern takeoff software tools serves you to significantly simplify the entire process.

Idea of Construction Takeoff

Construction takeoff is also known as material takeoff or construction materials take-off. The phrase “take-off” refers to an estimator taking each of the required materials off a blueprint.

Bidding Process

The main idea of the bidding process is in submitting a tender by a contractor to a client as a proposal to conduct or manage a particular construction project. The bidding process is an incredibly important part of a construction project, which enables firms and companies to hire contractors.

Construction Takeoff Definition

Once a construction project begins, contractors or estimators review the blueprints and extract materials and quantities required for the job. The data about requirements is further used to estimate the potential costs of the project.

The first step to ordering materials and supplies is to take off measurements, sizes and marks from drawings. The second step is to turn these data into real quantities of each material required for a building. For example:

A manual way of extracting information from blueprints is a time-consuming, tiresome and monotonous task, that often results in errors.
Fortunately, over the last two decades, new technologies have immensely improved takeoff accuracy by reducing manual contribution and making estimating jobs easier. Therefore, contractors can produce accurate estimates much faster than ever before.

What is Construction Takeoff Software?

Construction takeoff software helps contractors extract quantities, generate costs and labour estimates from digital blueprints. Most modern takeoff software supports most common file formats for digital blueprints, such as PDF, CAD (DWG, DXF, DWF, DGN), and even some image file types.

With digital software, all that estimators need to generate accurate takeoff lists is a computer with a stable internet connection. This is a great way to avoid the error-prone manual method of calculating quantities and measurements.

Exactly with this idea in mind our team has developed Kreo Software 🤎

What is Kreo? �

A manual way of extracting information from blueprints is a time-consuming, tiresome and monotonous task, that often results in errors.
Fortunately, over the last two decades, new technologies have immensely improved takeoff accuracy by reducing manual contribution and making estimating jobs easier. Therefore, contractors can produce accurate estimates much faster than ever before.

Construction Takeoff Features in Kreo

Kreo is a simple cloud-based solution, that contains similar features to many other construction takeoff estimating software, but what differentiates Kreo from others is that you can achieve everything much faster and in a more convenient way.
One of Kreo’s main advantages over competitors is the use of AI in the product.
Here below we’re listing the top Kreo features to speed up an estimator’s workflow:

Estimating Features in Kreo

Not every takeoff tool has estimating capabilities. Many takeoff software solve only problems related to quantities extraction from drawings.
In Kreo you’re able to transform measurements into bills of quantities, cost estimates and quotes and have lots of fun with charts and comparisons while presenting to the clients. All of that can be achieved with Kreo’s powerful functionality, the so-called Assemblies. Assemblies is a group of robust features that help you create all the entities you need for a proper estimating:

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