Cloud-Based Construction Takeoff & Estimating Benefits

Cloud-Based Construction Takeoff & Estimating Benefits

March 16, 2023
Cloud-Based Construction Takeoff & Estimating Benefits

Cloud-based construction takeoff and estimating software is a type of software that is hosted on remote servers and can be accessed through the internet. With this approach, construction businesses can access their data and tools from anywhere and collaborate in real time with team members from different locations.

Cloud-based products are becoming increasingly popular in the construction industry due to the numerous benefits provided, including accessibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, automatic updates, collaboration, security, and performance.

According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the global construction software market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.8% from 2021 to 2026, driven in part by the increasing adoption of cloud-based software products. This growth is being driven by the need for more efficient and streamlined construction processes, as well as the desire for greater collaboration and mobility. This is the key to reducing the dependence of construction companies on traditional methods like on-premises software, hardware, and servers.

Additionally, cloud-based software providers are constantly updating their products with new features and functionalities, making it easier for construction professionals to keep up with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.


Cloud-based software allows construction professionals to access their data and tools remotely through an internet connection. This means that they can work from anywhere: from a job site, home office, or on the go. All your data and tools needed for takeoff and estimating are stored on safe remote servers, which are accessed through a web browser or a mobile app.

This remote access to data and tools offers several benefits for construction businesses.

First of all, it provides greater flexibility in work locations and schedules, which can improve productivity and work-life balance for employees. Second, it enables collaboration among team members who may be working in different locations, making it easier to share information and work on projects together in real time.

Also, cloud-based software providers typically offer regular backups and security measures to ensure that data is safe and accessible at all times. This means that even if a construction business experiences a system failure or other disruption, it can still access its data and continue working without interruption.


With a cloud-based solution, construction businesses can add or remove users, features, or storage space without the need for additional hardware or servers, which can be especially important for those who experience fluctuations in demand or have a need for seasonal employees.

Scalability allows businesses to adjust to changing conditions, whether it’s an increase in workload or a decrease in projects. This means that businesses can avoid overpaying for software or hardware that they don't need, and can instead pay only for the resources they require.

Moreover, web-based software providers typically offer different pricing plans and packages to suit different business needs, which can help businesses find the right solution for their budget and goals.

Another benefit of scalability is that it allows businesses to easily accommodate new employees or project teams. With a browser-based approach, new users can be added quickly and easily, which means that they can start working on projects right away without delay. This can be especially important for construction projects with tight timelines or deadlines.


Paying a monthly or annual subscription fee for cloud-based construction takeoff and estimating software, as opposed to purchasing and maintaining your own software and hardware, offers several benefits:

  1. Reduced upfront costs: With a subscription-based model, businesses can avoid the high upfront costs of purchasing software licenses and hardware. Instead, they pay a recurring fee that is typically more affordable and predictable.
  2. Easy upgrades: With a subscription-based model, businesses have access to the latest software updates and features as soon as they become available. There is no need to purchase new licenses or hardware to keep up with the latest technology, while upgrades are included in the subscription fee.
  3. Reduced maintenance costs: By subscribing to web-based software, businesses can avoid the ongoing costs of maintaining their own hardware and software. This includes costs such as IT support, server maintenance, and software updates.
  4. Flexibility: With a subscription-based model, businesses can easily adjust to changing demand without having to invest in additional hardware or software by adding or removing users, features, or storage space as required.
  5. Security: Cloud-based software providers typically offer regular backups and security measures to ensure that data is safe and accessible at all times. This means that businesses can avoid the cost and effort of managing their own security measures.

Automatic updates

One of the key benefits of a cloud-based system is that it is regularly updated with new features and functionalities without any need for manual upgrades or installations. This means that users always have access to the latest software, with new features and improvements added as soon as they become available.

Cloud-based software providers typically offer automatic updates, which means that users do not need to manually download or install any new software. Instead, updates are rolled out automatically, usually without any downtime or disruption to the user experience. This not only saves time and effort for users but also ensures that everyone is working with the same version of the software, which can be important for collaboration and project management.

Regular updates and new features are essential for any construction software, as they allow businesses to keep up with changing industry trends and demands. For example, new features may be added to provide better integration with other construction software tools. In this way, businesses can be confident that they are always using the most up-to-date and effective tools.

In addition, cloud-based software providers usually have teams of developers and engineers working on improving and expanding the software on an ongoing basis. This means that users can expect new features and functionalities to be added regularly, which can help them stay ahead of the competition and provide better service to clients.


Cloud-based construction software solutions enable real-time collaboration, allowing team members to work on the same project simultaneously. This is a significant advantage over traditional software, where team members would need to manually share files or work on separate versions of the same document.

With browser-based software, team members can access the same project and information from anywhere, at any time, using any device with an internet connection.

Real-time collaboration is essential for the construction sphere, as it allows team members to quickly and efficiently share information, make updates, and review changes. For example, if a team member makes a change to an estimate, that change is instantly visible to everyone else who is working on the project. This can save time and reduce errors, as there is no need to manually update multiple versions of the same document.

Real-time collaboration also allows team members to communicate and collaborate more effectively. Team members can use chat or messaging tools within the software to ask questions, provide feedback, or share ideas. This can help to build stronger relationships between team members and create a more cohesive team.


Cloud-based software providers typically have robust security measures in place to protect user data. These security measures are designed to ensure that user data is safe from unauthorized access, theft, or manipulation.

One of the primary security measures used by such software providers is encryption. Encryption is the process of converting data into a code that can only be accessed with a specific key or password. This ensures that data transmitted between the user and the cloud-based software provider is secure and cannot be intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.

Multiple layers of security are typically used to protect user data. This may include firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and antivirus software. These security measures help to ensure that the cloud-based software platform is protected from external threats, such as hacking or malware attacks.

In addition to technical security measures, cloud-based software providers also typically have policies and procedures in place to protect user data. This may include regular security audits, employee training on security best practices, and strict access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel can access user data.

Overall, cloud-based software providers take security very seriously and invest significant resources into ensuring that user data is protected.


Cloud-based software can significantly improve performance by reducing lag times and increasing processing speed. This is because this type of software runs on powerful servers that are designed to handle large amounts of data and process information quickly and efficiently.

When using traditional software, users are typically limited by the processing power of their own devices. This can lead to slow performance, especially when working with large or complex projects. In contrast, cloud-based software takes advantage of the processing power of the servers it is hosted on. This means that users can work on complex projects or large datasets without experiencing lag times or slowdowns.

If a construction company is working on a large project that requires more processing power, it can easily add more resources to its cloud-based software plan to accommodate its needs. This can help to ensure that the software runs smoothly and efficiently, even when working with large amounts of data.

Overall, browser-based software can significantly improve performance by reducing lag times and increasing processing speed.

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