Standards for Bills of Quantities

Standards for Bills of Quantities

March 9, 2023
Quantity Surveying
Standards for Bills of Quantities

The preparation of bills of quantities according to a standardized methodology is of utmost importance. This ensures clarity and eliminates any chances of ambiguity or misinterpretation, reducing the likelihood of disputes arising from differing interpretations of pricing.

In the UK, the most commonly used method for preparing bills of quantities for general construction works was the Standard Method of Measurement 7th Edition (SMM7). However, the New Rules of Measurement (NRM) became effective on January 1st, 2013 and replaced SMM7 on July 1st, 2013.

SMM7 utilized the Common Arrangement of Work Sections (CAWS), a standardized method for categorizing works, which is also used for the National Building Specification (NBS). This system has undergone substantial changes with CAWS being incorporated into Uniclass. In contrast, NRM adopted its own indexing system, known as NRM2 and BCIS elements.

For civil engineering works, the Civil Engineering Method of Measurement 4th Edition (CESMM) is used. For more information on CESMM, please see the relevant resources.

It is important to note that while SMM7 and NRM are widely used in the UK, there may be regional or project-specific variations and deviations from these standards. Therefore, it is essential to understand and follow the relevant standards and guidelines for each project to ensure the preparation of accurate and comprehensive bills of quantities.

In addition, technology and digitalization have brought about significant changes in the construction industry, with an increasing number of construction professionals using digital tools for the preparation of BOQs. However, it is important to ensure that these digital tools adhere to relevant standards and guidelines to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the BOQs.

In conclusion, the use of standards for the preparation of bills of quantities is crucial for ensuring accuracy, reducing disputes, and improving project delivery in the construction industry. It is important to be familiar with the relevant standards, understand their guidelines and requirements, and use technology and digital tools that adhere to these standards. This will help ensure the successful implementation of construction projects and ultimately benefit all stakeholders involved.

Another widely used standard in the construction industry is MasterFormat. MasterFormat is a standard classification system for organizing construction specifications and information, and is widely used in North America. It provides a consistent and standardized method for organizing construction information and specifications, including bills of quantities, into specific sections and categories.

MasterFormat is updated periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date with the latest industry developments. The use of MasterFormat helps to ensure consistency in the organization and presentation of construction information, including bills of quantities, which can improve communication and collaboration between stakeholders and reduce the likelihood of disputes and errors.

In conclusion, both SMM7, NRM, and MasterFormat are widely recognized and used standards in the construction industry for the preparation of bills of quantities. While each standard has its own specific guidelines and requirements, they all serve the same purpose - to ensure the accuracy and consistency of construction information and reduce the likelihood of disputes and errors. By familiarizing yourself with the relevant standards and using technology and digital tools that adhere to these standards, you can ensure the successful implementation of construction projects and benefit all stakeholders involved.

Types of Standards for BOQs

There are several types of standards for Bills of Quantities (BOQs) that are used in the construction industry, including:

  1. International standards: These are standards that are developed and recognized globally, such as the FIDIC (Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils) suite of contracts. These standards are widely used in international construction projects and provide a common framework for the preparation of BOQs.
  2. National standards: These standards are developed and recognized within a specific country, such as the BS 1192 in the UK. These standards are designed to reflect the specific requirements of the country's construction industry and are often based on international standards.
  3. Industry-specific standards: These standards are specific to a particular industry, such as RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) standards for surveying and property. These standards are designed to meet the specific requirements of the industry and provide guidance on the preparation of BOQs.

Each type of standard has its own set of requirements, guidelines, and best practices that must be followed when preparing a BOQ. It is important to choose the appropriate standard that best fits the needs of the construction project, taking into account the type of project, location, and industry.

Key Elements of a Standard BOQ

A standard Bill of Quantities (BOQ) typically includes the following key elements:

  1. Detailed description of works and materials: A BOQ should provide a clear and detailed description of the work to be carried out, including the type, quality, and quantity of materials required. This information should be unambiguous and easily understood by all stakeholders.
  2. Quantity measurements and unit prices: The BOQ should accurately reflect the quantity of materials and labor required for each item of work. This should include both the unit of measurement (e.g. square meter, linear meter) and the unit price for each item.
  3. Compliance with relevant codes, regulations, and standards: The BOQ should be compliant with all relevant codes, regulations, and standards, such as building codes, health and safety regulations, and environmental standards. This will ensure that the construction project meets the required standards and regulations.
  4. Method of measurement: The BOQ should specify the method of measurement to be used for each item of work. This may be elemental, where each item is described and priced separately, or functional, where items are grouped and priced as a single unit.
  5. Breakdown of costs: The BOQ should provide a breakdown of the costs associated with each item of work, including materials, labor, and overhead costs. This will help to ensure that the construction project is delivered within budget.

It is important to note that different types of standards may have slightly different requirements and guidelines for the preparation of BOQs, so it is important to consult the relevant standard before preparing a BOQ.

Challenges in Implementing Standards for BOQs

The implementation of standards for Bills of Quantities (BOQs) in the construction industry can present several challenges, including:

  1. Resistance to change from stakeholders: Some stakeholders, such as contractors, may resist the adoption of new standards due to the perception that they add additional time and cost to the construction process. It is important to educate stakeholders on the benefits of using standards and to involve them in the implementation process.
  2. Lack of knowledge and understanding of the standards: The construction industry is composed of many different professionals, each with their own expertise and experience. It is important to provide training and education on the standards to ensure that all stakeholders understand their requirements and benefits.
  3. Inadequate resources to implement and maintain the standards: Implementing and maintaining standards for BOQs requires resources, including trained personnel and software systems. Some organizations may not have the necessary resources to implement the standards, which can be a barrier to their adoption.
  4. Difficulty in ensuring consistency: Consistency in the preparation of BOQs is essential for ensuring accurate cost estimates and avoiding disputes and claims during construction. However, it can be challenging to ensure that all stakeholders consistently follow the standards. Regular audits and reviews can help to maintain consistency.
  5. Difficulty in adapting to new technologies: The construction industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and materials being introduced all the time. This can present challenges in ensuring that the standards are up-to-date and relevant to the latest industry developments.

It is important to address these challenges in order to successfully implement standards for BOQs and to reap the benefits that they offer. This may involve involving stakeholders in the implementation process, providing training and education, and investing in resources to ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the standards.


In conclusion, the use of standards for Bills of Quantities (BOQs) in the construction industry is essential for ensuring accurate cost estimates, reducing disputes and claims, and improving project delivery. There are several types of standards available, each with its own set of requirements and guidelines for the preparation of BOQs. However, the implementation of standards can present several challenges, including resistance to change, lack of knowledge and understanding, inadequate resources, difficulty in ensuring consistency, and difficulty in adapting to new technologies.

To overcome these challenges, it is important to educate stakeholders on the benefits of using standards, involve them in the implementation process, provide training and education, and invest in resources to ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the standards. By doing so, the construction industry can reap the benefits of using standards for BOQs, including improved project delivery, reduced disputes and claims, and more accurate cost estimates.

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