10.52x Performance Boost and Future Plans

10.52x Performance Boost and Future Plans

December 4, 2023
Product updates
10.52x Performance Boost and Future Plans

In this release, we’ve been diligently working on significantly improving the overall performance of our application. We highly value your user experience and, as part of our ongoing efforts, we're excited to share our future plans.

Here's a more detailed overview of what we've been working on:

  1. Increase of Data Processing Speed
  2. Enhanced Calculations
  3. General Improvements

Let’s delve into the enhancements by examining a specific test project in detail



⚠️ Please note, these videos are sped up for better perception.

We're particularly proud to claim that our efforts have resulted in a remarkable performance improvement of 10.52 times, making tasks significantly more efficient with reduced waiting time.

Furthermore, we'd like to share our upcoming plans:

Thank you for choosing Kreo Software, and we invite you to stay tuned for our roadmap, where we'll outline our plans, and the exciting changes we’ve planned for you, including the application redesign. Expect even greater improvements in the nearest future! 🙂

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