Sticky notes. Symbols library. Dimension line and other improvements

Sticky notes. Symbols library. Dimension line and other improvements

October 6, 2021
Product updates
Sticky notes. Symbols library. Dimension line and other improvements

Currently, our main focus is improvement of your collaboration with colleagues within our app.  Full of ideas and plans, we're presenting our latest update with a few first features covering this topic, which are ready for your exploration 😋


  1. Sticky Notes ✍️
  2. Symbols Library 💬
  3. Dimension Line 📏
  4. Improvements for sharing your projects 💼

Sticky Notes

Always struggle with keeping something important in mind? Use 2D Takeoff's newly developed sticky notes for this purpose.

It's the easiest way to quickly save your suggestions and ideas for later so that you and all the team always stay up-to-date. Use Sticky Notes to create notes and leave comments for your team members.

Symbols Library

Make hints for yourself and the team within your projects using our built-in symbols library.

Dimension Line

A new tool is added to the toolbar! We're glad to present to your attention the dimension line.

The dimension line helps you to simply understand how long or wide the element or area is, adjust the scale, etc.

Improvements for sharing your projects

From now on, you can invite all your teammates to the project at once during its creation or any time later.
Click on the "Select All" option to be able to do that.

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