Presets for the table

Presets for the table

December 2, 2021
Product updates
Presets for the table

This time we brought to the platform the functionality many of our users were waiting for! From now on, our platform provides you with the possibility to create custom presets for your future report.What's more, we've strengthened this update with a couple of useful tricks of how you can easily make the navigation experience in our solution even more enjoyable.


  1. ✨ Presets for the table:
    πŸ“ƒ Table;
    πŸ“ƒ Dynamic Table;
  2. πŸ’’ Minimap;
  3. πŸͺ Minimize measurements.

Presets for the table

We've significantly enhanced the way users can turn data into a table view of the spreadsheet, as now you can easily decide which data and in which order you would like to add to your spreadsheet.
Add only suitable properties. Rearrange columns. Choose whether to show column names and total values.
Create your own report structure and fill it with measurements in several clicks.


Minimap opens up new exciting navigation possibilities.

Simply select the drawing's part you'd like to work with and it will take you there!
Safely move between the drawing's parts while measuring it.
Also, you can easily hide it, if you don't need it at the moment.

Minimize for the Measurements manager

The Minimize feature easily reduces a measurement's or a folder's size inside the Measurements manager.

If you need more space while working with a great amount of data, this feature is a must-use for you.

Winter has come β›„, and our next update is coming really soon. Stay tuned!


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