Introducing the Dynamic Table to Cell

Introducing the Dynamic Table to Cell

October 27, 2021
Product updates
Introducing the Dynamic Table to Cell

Our today's update sows the seeds of complete flexibility in our software utilising the newly implemented default presets for the spreadsheet area. This is only the beginning πŸ˜‰


  1. Dynamic Table to Cell πŸ€–
  2. Full-Screen Mode for the File Manager πŸ“

Dynamic Table to Cell

The Dynamic Table to Cell feature allows you to transfer the folder's data into the spreadsheet and group it according to our default preset, where:

The 1 column is a whole File's name.
The 2 column is a Page's name.
The 3 column is Folder breakdown, which depends on folders nesting.

For instance:
We have 3 sub-folders, where the first folder is Units. It contains the NIA folder. And in the NIA folder, there are several more folders, which are 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed. Therefore, you will have 3 columns created in the spreadsheet: the first one is Units, the second one is NIA, the third one is 1 bed/2 bed/3 bed.

The 4 column is a Measurement name.
The 5 column is Area.
The 6 column is Perimeter.
The 7 column is Length.
The 8 column is Count.

πŸš€ Spoiler:
Very soon you will be able to create and customize presets yourself 😁

When you add a label to the spreadsheet, the data will be inserted automatically and dynamically changed in the spreadsheet itself.

Full-screen mode for the File Manager

Now you're able to work with the File Manager in the full-screen mode.


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