Introducing Improved File Manager

Introducing Improved File Manager

January 30, 2023
Product updates
Introducing Improved File Manager

The new year brings new cool features and improvements to Kreo. Let's take a look!

  1. Improved File manager
  2. PDF export improvements
  3. Save measurements visibility
  4. Project management
  5. Grand total for reports

Improved File Manager

Enjoy a huge and important update for viewing and managing your files in Kreo. This update includes 4 main points:

See all your pages list in the left part of the File Manager and click on your file or folder name to focus on it

Multi select files to move them with drag and drop or delete multiple files simultaneously

"Open page" option is suitable if you need to open a page and start working with it immediately

Search by file name is now available

Performance improvements: File manager loads your files much quicker now

PDF export improvements

We've supported Black and White mode and Night mode for the export of your drawings so that now you can get them exactly in the same way you see them in Kreo.

PDF export improvements

Save measurements visibility

One of our users' most required features is saving visibility status for measurements and folders. Now you can hide irrelevant measures or folders and Kreo will keep them hidden as far as you unhide them.

Grand total for reports

Get the total for aggregated columns for Takeoff and Items reports by activating the appropriate option in the report settings.

Project management

This is a significant option for team users. By filtering “All projects” in the top right corner, administrators can see all projects available in the company, share, move and delete them without a project creator's involvement. This filter also includes options to see only your projects or only projects you are invited to.

Project management

We've also fixed 94 bugs (88 minor ones, 4 major ones, and 1 critical one). Two of them were reported by our clients 😋

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