Five 2D Takeoff's features that can turbocharge your productivity

Five 2D Takeoff's features that can turbocharge your productivity

September 29, 2021
Five 2D Takeoff's features that can turbocharge your productivity

Are you in search for a simple takeoff solution that saves your time & effort? We've got you covered πŸ˜‰

Here below we are listing Kreo features available to any user of our solution that will help you to improve your working process and make it much faster and easier. Let's discover each of them in detail πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Select segment

Our solution allows you to easily extract necessary segments out of whole polygons or polylines.
To do this, hover over the required segment and you'll see its value. Click on it and it'll be moved to the selected cell of your spreadsheet right away.

Auto Count

Use the auto count tool to quickly count all the items with similar geometry, text and annotations.


Not sure if you missed anything out in your schedule?

With Kreo, you can easily find and visualise all the measurements in your schedule and identify those that you may have missed.

Open the Measurements Manager and click on the filters icon. There, pay attention to the section called"Schedule".
When you need to see in the drawing the elements used in the chosen spreadsheet, tick the option "Scheduled".
When you need to filter the drawing to the elements NOT used in the chosen spreadsheet, tick the option "Unscheduled".

Templates for folders

Create your own structure of the takeoff schedule using a system of folders and subfolders.

Group and structure your measurements in the way you need by creating particular templates for folders. Reuse the previously created templates in any of your next projects.

Views for spreadsheet

Work in several sheets simultaneously on a single page. Organize views whatever it'll be more convenient for you.

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