Become Kreo next partner

Become Kreo next partner

November 14, 2022
Become Kreo next partner

Kreo Software is growing rapidly in terms of product maturity and customer number.

Our product team is in constant search for the product’s confident users who’d like to become promoters of Kreo among their network. If you like the product and see potential in Kreo, it’s your time to benefit from it 😉

Why Kreo? Not Stack, Planswift, CostX or any other software?


Cloud-based software

Create measurements by uploading PDF and CAD files right in a browser without the software being installed on your PC.
Kreo is a perfect fit for teams that would like to work in real time on the same project simultaneously without interfering with each other


AI-powered software

We use machine learning to help you reduce the burden of manual counting and measuring.
Kreo's AI-powered features help you to measure and identify areas on a floorplan, predict what you would like to measure based on one or two clicks and count individual elements such as doors and windows without drawing a single line or clicking


Best reports ever

Forget about a number of different software products to generate your final report. Now you can do everything in one solution. Create any takeoff or estimate right in the app and export it to Excel. Import to Kreo a ready-made report structure and you will only have to fill it with measurements.

Create Iterate Repeat

Create. Iterate. Repeat

Get rid of routine tasks with each new project created by building a flexible system of templates right in the app. Organize your data and provide consistency for any of your projects.

How to become Kreo partner?

Here are what we expect from you and benefits you can get being Kreo partner:

  1. Do you like the product and have a clear picture in mind of how and to whom you can refer Kreo?
  2. Brilliant. Let’s set up a quick call to discuss how we can collaborate on promoting Kreo among your network. Each case is unique, thus we’ll start from your vision of our potential collaboration and then propose our plan based on what we hear.
  3. The final step is to discuss the collaboration timeline and your benefits. Would you like to get a free year of using Kreo? Amazon e-voucher or the deal’s commission? We’re open to negotiation.

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Try Kreo Free

No installation required
Works on both Windows & Mac
Timely customer support