Auto Measure Upgrades: Rotate, Compare, & More

Auto Measure Upgrades: Rotate, Compare, & More

August 9, 2022
Product updates
Auto Measure Upgrades: Rotate, Compare, & More


  1. Compare drawings
  2. Auto Measure improvements (linear measures for doors, windows and walls 😎)
  3. Text search for drawings
  4. New filters available
  5. Rotate measurements
  6. Improvements to PDF export
  7. New navigation Menu
  8. Launch of Kreo Academy πŸŽ’
  9. 51 bugs fixed πŸ™„

Compare drawings

The functionality allows users to compare different drawings with any from your current project.
The following parameters are available in the Comparison Settings window:

  1. Modes:
    The system offers several modes giving you the freedom to use a most suitable one πŸ˜‰
  2. Intensity:
    You can easily change the degree of overlap from 1 to 100

Auto Measure improvements

Linear measurements for doors, windows and walls have been added to the Auto Measure results

Text search for drawings

Click on the Text Search placed near the Auto Measure button and insert the text you're looking for. In a couple of seconds, similar text appears on the drawing.

New filters available

Check our brand new filters that have been added:

  1. Filter by entities
  2. Filter by creator
  3. βž• Filter by report now also works for Items Report & Takeoffs Report
New filters available

New navigation Menu

Quick navigation has been added to the Project.
In this update, only the Assemblies tab has been added. However, this panel will be developed and modified further in our next releases

New navigation Menu

Improvements to PDF export

We’ve added several more export options of project pages into PDF format. Previously, a user was able to select whether to export current or all pages. From now on, users can also export to PDF current files and all opened pages

Improvements to PDF export

Rotate measurements

You’re now able to rotate any measurement created on the drawing at the degree you need

Kreo Academy

Recently we've launched Kreo Academy, which is the place where you’ll find different tutorials and training programs that are aimed at making your discovery of the platform much easier & joyful.





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