Auto Measure 3.0 and other goodies

Auto Measure 3.0 and other goodies

September 28, 2022
Product updates
Auto Measure 3.0 and other goodies

In this update, we delivered a couple of really handy and useful features as well as made a lot of powerful performance improvements. Also, we fixed 75 bugs 💪

  1. Auto Measure 3.0
  2. AI Suggest - Free Open Beta
  3. Multilevel grouping in Report
  4. Improved logic of sending measurements to a folder

Auto Measure 3.0

In this release, we’ve added an improvement for Auto Measure almost every user was asking for. From now on, you can choose which measurement groups you would like to get as output and run Auto Measure only for specific elements, rather than for the whole drawing.

You’re also able to re-run Auto Measure and choose whether to start the feature on the selected page of the file or on all its pages. Also, if you need to hide or display Auto Measure results, you can now use filters in the Measurements manager for this purpose

AI Suggest [Free Open Beta]

Free Open Beta of Kreo’s new AI-powered feature called AI Suggest is still ongoing. We continue to work on the quality of AI Suggest results. We’ll be grateful if you could try the feature & let us know your thoughts about it 😋

Logic of sending measurements to a folder is improved

In this update, we improved the logic of sending measurements to a chosen folder. The path to the selected folder is now displayed when hovering over the relevant measurement.

Multilevel grouping in Takeoff and Items reports

We’ve supported the measurement breakdown structure from the Measurements manager in Takeoffs and Items reports. Now you can create reports based on measurement grouping while controlling the required number of nesting levels

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