Official Beta Launch

Official Beta Launch

March 3, 2021
Product updates
Official Beta Launch


The newest AI-powered Takeoff Solution is being launched this week!

Hi there!😉We were quite silent for the past few weeks. The reason is above👆Finally, we are ready to present Kreo's new 2D Takeoff product to a private group of beta testers.

2D Takeoff's most impressive features

AI-powered Features:

Auto Count

Quickly count all items with similar geometry.
Easily validate area schedules


Auto Scale

Scale changes notifications when you jump between drawings.
Multiple scale options to help you calibrate document as fast as possible


Auto Measure

Quickly calculate GEA, GIA, NIA
and accommodation schedule for mixed-use buildings. Easily check the accuracy of schedules


Other Key Features:


Measurement tools

Fast and responsive tools with no delays and latency. Easy-to-use measurement tools


Online Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet table right next
to pdf drawing. No more hopping back and forth between measurement tool and Excel. Filling the cost plan and exporting it to Excel


Cloud-based access

Online access to drawings and schedules for all stakeholders. Works on Windows, Mac or Linux. Work from anywhere

Trace Links

Measurement tree

Structure, organize, group, regroup, filter and merge your measurements. Create any takeoff schedule you need. Be as flexible as needed with reports


Trace dependency

Easy audit trail. Validate your reports thoughtfully. Measurement-report dynamic link



Upload pdfs quickly and export Excel spreadsheet with formulae and formats

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