Takeoff and Estimating software has evolved. Planswift has not

Artificial intelligence is here — it's time to leave Planswift behind. You need a full-fledged platform for working with takeoff and estimation that is easily integrated and improved with the help of artificial intelligence. You need Kreo

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  • No installation required
  • 7 days free trial
  • Works on both Windows & Mac
Kreo Software Logo
Planswift Logo


Easy to use (simple start)

Requires initial learning curve


Cross-platform web app

Desktop application


AI software encompasses features such as takeoff, cost estimation, and project management, and supports both 2D and 3D functionalities.

Takeoff and estimating software specializing in 2D takeoffs and cost calculations

Customer support

Feedback-driven updates, In-app chat,
Bi-weekly updates

Traditional support channels


High-performance with 2D WebGL engine

Dependent on local hardware

Updates & Maintenance

Automatic updates

Manual updates required

Feedback & Product Development

Responsive to user feedback, regular updates

Less frequent updates, limited input on development

Industry focus

Broad focus, using artificial intelligence to enhance construction efficiency

Narrow focus, using traditional methods to ensure accuracy in construction

I cannot highlight enough how easier it has made my life. The amount that I save every single day by using Kreo is insane.
Joseph Kay

Joseph Kay

Commercial Manager

What problems does Planswift have?

Clunky User Experience

Clunky User Experience

PlanSwift's patchwork of features can feel like a maze—sluggish, confusing, and far from user-friendly

Pricey  and perplexing

Rigid Estimating

Stuck in the past, PlanSwift relies heavily on manual inputs, making it tough for teams to adapt and provide dynamic, precise estimates

Pricey and perplexing

Pricey & Perplexing

With PlanSwift, more dollars don't mean more value. Price hikes have left many questioning the investment, especially with no clear enhancements in sight

Rigid Estimating

Stale Technology

Facing today's construction challenges with yesterday's tools? PlanSwift's outdated approach can leave you behind in a rapidly evolving industry

Elevate Your Estimating with Kreo Software

One Unified Solution

One Unified Solution

Kreo stands out with its cohesive, all-in-one platform — effortless to navigate and designed for the way you work, ensuring quality results from start to finish.

Smart and adaptive

Smart & Adaptive

Kreo blends the best of human expertise with AI's efficiency, offering personalized, adaptable estimating solutions that grow with your projects.

Flexible estimating

Flexible Estimating

Break free from the constraints of traditional estimating. Kreo's dynamic system means you can address complex needs without getting bogged down in paperwork

Proactive and visionary

Proactive & Visionary

Don't wait for the next challenge to find you. Kreo keeps you ahead with innovative features and proactive strategies, tailored to the modern construction landscape.

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How many licenses do you need?
Total Savings
Kreo Software Logo


per user, per year
Planswift logo


per user, per year

Key features of Kreo Sofware

AI Takeoff

AI Measurement Tools

Utilizing machine learning algorithms, Kreo accurately identifies and quantifies construction elements directly from digital plans

2D and 3D

2D and 3D Compatibility

Kreo Software supports both 2D drawings and 3D models, offering comprehensive analysis capabilities across various dimensions

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Comprehensive Database

An extensive database that enables automatic calculation of material quantities and cost estimations based on up-to-date information

Real-time updates and collaboration

Real-time Updates and Collaboration

Offers instant updates on material quantities and costs as digital plans are modified, enhancing collaboration among project stakeholders

Flexible reporting tools

Flexible Reporting Tools

Provides a variety of reporting options to meet different project needs and stakeholder requirements


What are the system requirements for Kreo Software?

As a cloud-based solution, Kreo Software requires a stable internet connection and a modern web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. It's designed to be accessible on a wide range of devices, including PCs, Macs, and tablets, ensuring users can work from anywhere at any time.

How do I access customer support with Kreo Software?

Kreo Software offers comprehensive customer support through various channels, including email, live chat, and a detailed knowledge base. These resources aim to provide quick and effective solutions to common questions and technical issues. Additionally, Kreo may offer video tutorials and live webinars to help users maximize their use of the software.

Are software updates automatic with Kreo Software?

Yes, updates for Kreo Software are delivered automatically thanks to its cloud-based nature. This ensures that all users have immediate access to the latest features, improvements, and security enhancements without manual downloads or installations, keeping the software up-to-date and secure.

What types of projects is Kreo Software most suitable for?

Kreo Software is designed to be versatile, catering to a wide array of construction projects, from small residential builds to large-scale commercial and infrastructure projects. Its comprehensive set of features supports detailed project planning, cost estimation, and project management, making it a suitable tool for contractors, project managers, and construction companies looking to streamline their operations.

What training resources are available for Kreo Software?

To support users in fully leveraging the software, Kreo Software provides a variety of training resources, including online tutorials, user guides, and interactive webinars. These materials are crafted to assist users at all skill levels, ensuring they can effectively use the software for their specific project needs. For more customized training needs, Kreo may also offer personalized training sessions.